Saturday, December 6, 2008

LEVEL 2: Duke - So In Love With You (GB's Quik Colors Edit)

So In Love With You was a mega hit back in 1998.  I will always and forever love this song! DJ Zog would do a great little mash-up of Razor & Guido's Do It Again over this track. I was never able to find it on any of my old cassette's so I had to take matters into my own hands. Thanks to a new remix of Do It Again I found on YouTube, and my trusty Virtual DJ program...I was able to re-create Zogbi's magic. Enjoy my Quick Colors Edit of the infamous Duke classic, So In Love With You! -- MikeeGB

1 comment:

MARLON said...

dude I remember they would play this mix on the radio...shit i forgot about it. thanx for bringing it back!