Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Top 10: February 2012

F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2

Featuring great remixes of our beloved Whitney Houston's hits! R.I.P.

10. You're The Kind of Girl - Lee Fields

9. Know Me - Frankie Rose

8. Futures - RxGibbs / transcendental beat!

7. Get Higher 2012 (Alfred Azzetto Re-Work) - Matt Sanchez / This beat makes me want to move it after 3:00.

6. Lights Are Fading (Mario Remix) - Jono Fernandez feat. Twin Atoms

5. Feel Something. Say Something - Sweet N Candy

4. Holiday - David Morales & Polina / This is a great beat, with bouncy vocals.

3. Lavender Moon (The Hood Internet Remix) - Haroula Rose

2. I Wanna Dance With Somebody (RWR 2012 Remix) - Whitney Houston / This was remixed by Robots With Rayguns)

1. It's Not Right, But It's Okay (Daddy's Groove & Little Nancy) - Whitney Houston

Monday, April 16, 2012

Top 10: January 2012

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2

10. Zoana (David Herrero Remix) - Phil Fuldner & Ian Pooley

9. So Good - Fol Chen

8. Get Burned - Sleeper Agent

7. Two Rings - The Ice Choir

6. An Old Photo of Your New Lover (Class Actress Remix) - The One AM Radio

5. Cocaine (Little Dragon Remix) - The Internet

4. White Lie - Jhameel

3. Puesta Del Sol (Luqe Remix) - Lukas K

2. Kremlin - John Dahlback / This song is bad ass!

1. Never Walk Alone (Starstruck Remix) - Chris John / WICKED BEAT!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

VINYLMATION: X'Cuse Me It's Pride! by MikeeGB

Ladies and gentlemen, the time is upon us....MIAMI BEACH GAY PRIDE!!! 4 years already, can you believe how time flies. Aside from the fact that we get to celebrate ourselves, our freedom and our love for each other....we also have Ocean Drive blocked off to get wasted and DANCE!

In the grand tradition of GAY PRIDE we've got a new homosexilicious mix from yours truly, MikeeGB. Loads of old school HARD HOUSE peak hour floor fillers from the hey day. Not to shun upon today's musique, but just to continue glorifying yesterday's sound. DRUMS, DRUMS, DRUMS!!!

Might I add this mix was done entirely on vinyl, just like in the hey day! So hopefully you like them clicks and pops that are sweet noise to my ears! And not to act like mah shit don't stank but even with a couple of awk's, top that homeslice!

See you all out and about on Sunday! Cannot wait! Enjizzoy! --MikeeGB

1) Instant Moments - R.O.O.S.
2) Sexual (Li Da Di) (Thunderpuss Mix) - Amber
3) Ballad Of Cleo & Joe (Soul Solution Mix) - Cyndi Lauper
4) The Future's Overrated (Club 69 Dub) - Arkana
5) X'Cuse Me - The DJ's feat. Franklin Fuentes
6) Serial Buff - Saliva Commando's
7) Who Am I (Dub Mix) - Massiv
8) You Used To Hold Me (R&G Mix) - Ralphi Rosario feat. Xavier Gold
9) Let's Go All The Way (Johnny Vicious Dub) - React
10) Ecstasy (Take Your Shirts Off) (Chelsea Mix) - Johnny Vicious feat. Lula
11) The Build Up - Razor & Guido
12) Aura Tribe - Dan Q
13) Meet Her At The Love Parade (Club 69 Mix) - Da Hool
14) X '99 - Junior Vasquez